Vaccine Policy and

Immunization Schuedule

 Gateway Pediatrics, Ltd., supports the recommendations on vaccines and the immunization schedule of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Gateway Pediatrics, Ltd., should be advised of any specific parental concerns related to vaccines and the immunization schedule.

An alternative immunization schedule, proposed by parents or guardians, must be comprehensive and submitted in writing for review by Gateway Pediatrics, Ltd before your child's next visit.If the alternative immunization schedule is accepted and implemented, it must be followed.

If the American Academy of Pediatrics' vaccine recommendations and immunization schedule are not followed, parents or guardians my be requested to sign a "Refusal to Vaccinate" form.

Because failing to follow the recommendations about vaccines may endanger the health or life of others, Gateway Pediatrics, Ltd., cannot accommodate families who object to all vaccinations. Such families should seek health care elsewhere

